SKYLINE Engineering & Construction, LLC provided construction engineering/inspection services for intersection improvements consisting of installation of multiple intersection 5 traffic signals, fiber optic cable installation (7,200 lf). Also, provided periodic, weekly, monthly, and quarterly reporting, and photographic documentation, quantity calculations, pay request and schedule of values processing, provided Davis-Bacon compliance assistance and employee interviews, storm water management and erosion control, employee safety per MUTCD and OSHA, schedule coordination, utility coordination, oversight of installation of luminaries and poles, sub-grade preparation and inspection, curb/gutter (295 lf), sidewalk construction inspection (215 sy).
Specific work assignments of the contractor consisted of lane closure, construction of concrete curbs, gutters, and medians; installation of fiber optic control cabinet, base, pull boxes, risers, aerial drops, loops, and butt splicing; installation of luminaries, steel and concrete strain poles, mast arms, and pole foundations; installation of traffic signal, pedestrian access, inductive loop detector assemblies, pavement markings and ADA; and video camera systems.