SKYLINE performed civil engineering specific to erosion, sediment, and pollution control on the Atlanta Beltline Eastside Trail Extension project. This high-profile project was hand selected for federal funding and consists of a pedestrian/biking trail adjacent to a light rail transit corridor that will provide unprecedented connectivity around the City of Atlanta.
SKYLINE’s specific tasks included:
❖ Erosion, sediment, and pollution control;
❖ Inspection of erosion and sedimentation control
best management practices;
❖ Design services of civil engineering;
❖ Construction administration; and,
❖ Analyzing existing drainage patterns and
identifying problem areas (erosion, etc.).
With the infusion of federal funds, the project schedule was expedited to meet Tiger Grant regulations. Although GDOT became the administrative entity and the GDOT PDP process was implemented, the schedule was truncated from 24 months to 8 months. To meet the deadlines and coordinate efforts with 7 design firms, SKYLINE implemented cloud based project management tools to organize in-house design efforts and synchronize the ever-changing design.