SKYLINE performed as civil engineer on this design-build team with general contractor Kissberg/Parker Fry JV to design and construct a 6’ wide concrete decorative walkway along a linear greenspace in the City of Atlanta.
Atlanta native Ella Mae Wade Brayboy, the Godmother of voter registration, was one of Georgia’s first black deputy registrars. In honor of her work to register over 10,000 black voters during the 1960’s and lifelong dedication to activism, the Atlanta City Council granted funds to develop the park in her honor. Using city-owned property in the Washington Park Neighborhood and input from various stakeholder groups, the design-build team along with the City of Atlanta Office of Park Design worked to create a space that would honor Brayboy and provide enjoyable community space for residents.
SKYLINE performed conceptual design and detailed civil engineering to design an ADA compliant accessible pathway through the park, which consisted of slopes ranging from 7 to 18%. In addition to the challenging grading effort, the park property is located directly above a MARTA rail line, with vertical clearances as low as 4 feet below existing grade. The SKYLINE team designed a 30’ diameter pervious concrete decorative plaza with granite seat wall, and a variety of landscaping elements to beautify the memorial park. To address storm water quality requirements, SKYLINE designed a rain garden and filter strip to ensure adequate removal of contaminants prior to release from the site.